The Meta Trak S7 tracker (Meta Trak 6 V2) is a waterproof unit suitable for both 12 and 24V vehicles. Along with the basic pre-requisites of an insurance approved tracking system which include, tow-away, low battery and tamper alerts, the Meta Trak S7 also provides a dedicated mobile app.
Thatcham & Insurance Approved
Recognised By ALL Insurance Providers
National Approved Installation Team
About the Meta Trak S7
This product is an intelligent solution designed to strike a balance between the need to install a product that meets Thatcham Insurance criteria whilst simultaneously providing a vision based telematics solution suitable for multiple applications.
Benefits: The Meta Trak Category S7 Insurance Approved Tracking system is enhanced by the provision of a dedicated app designed to meet the demands of todays driver and fleet manager providing alerts.
Insurance Approved
24/7 Control Room monitoring
App and Web access
GPS/GSM blocking alerts
30 day journey history retention
30 day driver behaviour report
Instant Alerts
Geo Fence Alerts
Motion Alerts
Tamper Alerts
Low Battery Alerts
European coverage
Battery Backup
12/24 volt compatibility
Fully transferrable
Subscription types
Annualy: £99.50 Incl. VAT
3 Years: £279.95 Incl. VAT